Polished grunge

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If you remember the ’90s you’ll remember the Seattle sound of fuzz guitars and drawling vocals, the emotional mix of zombie-like apathy and angst-ridden rebelliousness, the time when lyrics were a little random, jeans were carelessly ripped, hair was scraggly and eyeliner smudged. That’s a nutshell roundup of how it was the first time around, but fashion revivals always see things differently. Not even two decades later gruge was ready – from a fashion perspective, at least – for reinvention. Nostalgia kept much of the elements alive, but without the original angsty undertones it was edged with glamour.

Игорь Усенко: Grunge

Игорь Усенко: Grunge

Igor Oussenko‘s latest shoot hits on the oxymoron of polished grunge. This is how grunge is worked into many a youthful wardrobe viewed through a glamorous, sexy and upmarket lens. Ekaterina Kudrina’s makeup is berry-lipped and kohl-eyed. Elena Korobova’s hair is dishevelled, but deliberately so. And stylists Georgy Rushev and Oxana Pavlishina-Pomozova manage to work everything from crisp Burberry coats to floating pleat dresses in a way that fits easily with the modern-grunge aesthetic.

Written by Tania Braukämper, http://www.fashionising.com/pictures/b–Polished-grunge-23108.html

Плюс к этому пост «Grunge» в ЖЖ Игоря Усенко: http://oussenko.livejournal.com/23799.html. Источник фотографии – указанный пост.

Короткий URL: https://photoekb.ru/?p=4507

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