Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

A new street art project called Two Beginnings by one of Russia’s best known street artists Slava PTRK can now be seen on Yekaterinburg streets.

The thing is located at the intersection of Malyshev St and Khokhryakov St. Two portraits, one of a man and one of a young woman, are placed in the window openings of a building.

‘The idea of cutting the portrait in two pieces with the help of strings attached to the wall could not be fully implemented in my first work, so I decided to give it another try. This time, we have a young man and a young woman rather than an old man and a young man,’ the artist says.

‘The work was completed in two stages: first, just the portrait of a young woman was hung up on the wall, then, some parts of the man’s portrait and the string (as well as a new version of the signature) appeared. The strings came out all right this time, one can easily use them to produce some music, and they will not come off with a piece of wall,’ Slava PTRK explains.

«Thanks for photos and help to Maxim Loskutov. By the way, on a cliche he is with his girl Julia» — notes the artist.

Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

Slava PTRK presents its Two Beginnings in Yekaterinburg

About the project here:

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