A tour of Ekaterinburg

Fashionising.com: «Igor Oussenko wants to take you on a whirlwind tour of Ekaterinburg, Russia. A visual tour it may be, but a worthwhile one none the less. Olga Khodko poses against the city’s cobbled streets, the sculptures and monuments and impressive feats of architecture, while the styling by Georgy Rushev makes this tour both a cultural and sartorial one. In winter layers, tailored pieces and outfits that generally sway towards the androgynous, this is not just a way to notice the city but to be noticed in the city. In any city, for that matter».

Источник: http://www.fashionising.com/pictures/b–A-tour-of-Ekaterinburg-22966.html

Ссылки по теме: http://photoekb.ru/?p=3084 и http://photoekb.ru/?p=3194

Короткий URL: https://photoekb.ru/?p=4440

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